How's your hearing?
Your hearing test results

Hearing loss is a touchy subject that can bring out the procrastinator in even the best of us. If you think you have hearing loss, take our free online hearing test and then schedule an appointment for a complete hearing assessment at a hearing clinic near you.
The questions on this online hearing test can help you prepare for your first appointment with an audiologist or hearing aid specialist.
After you take the test, visit our directory to find a hearing clinic near you. Take the first step to improve your quality of life through better hearing today!

Congratulations! The results of your online hearing test indicate you likely have normal hearing. You don’t report having difficulty hearing and understanding in many of the common situations people with hearing loss find challenging.
What do I do next?
Now is the time to keep your good hearing in top shape with a combination of hearing protection, a healthy lifestyle and regular hearing screenings to monitor for any changes.
Schedule a baseline hearing test with a clinic near you

The results of your online hearing test indicate you may have hearing loss. You reported having at least occasional difficulty in some listening situations that are challenging for people who are losing their hearing.
What do I do next?
Even a mild hearing loss can have significant effects on your relationships, work life and overall quality of life. Take the next step and schedule an appointment with a local audiologist or hearing aid specialist to assess your hearing and get help to improve and protect the hearing you have left.
Schedule a hearing test with a clinic near you
The sooner you find out more about your hearing loss and possible treatments, the more successful you’ll be at improving your hearing.

The results of your online hearing test indicate you likely have a significant hearing loss. You reported frequently having difficulty in most of the same listening situations as others with hearing loss.
What do I do next?
Maybe you’ve already been told you have hearing loss.
Many people wait years to seek help for their hearing loss once they become aware of it. Meanwhile, your relationships, work life and even other aspects of your health can suffer greatly. Don’t let this happen to you!
Schedule a hearing test with a clinic near you
Seek help now so you can get back to enjoying life right away.
Are you located in the United States?
Schedule a hearing test with Healthy Hearing.
Want to try again?
Surprised by your result? Feel free to retake the test!

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Are you located in the United States?
Schedule a hearing test with Healthy Hearing.