
Hearing aids in Tweed ON

We found 11 hearing aid clinics with 2 reviews within 63.9 km of Tweed ON.

Hearing Directory provides listings from audiologists, hearing instrument specialists and hearing aid centres near you. If you need hearing aids or a hearing test, choose a clinic from the list below to schedule an appointment in your area.

Local audiologists and hearing aid specialists

Hear Right Canada - Madoc (13.4 km)

Open now by appointment! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
52 St Lawrence Street East S#2 Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
52 St Lawrence Street East S#2 Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
(343) 362-3752

Maureen Wood

Hearing Instrument Specialist/Co-Owner

Maureen Wood graduated from Grant MacEwan University as a Hearing Instrument Dispenser and...

Photo of Maureen Wood from Hear Right Canada - Madoc

HearingLife - Belleville (34.9 km)

Open now! 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
210 Dundas Street East Suite 102 Belleville, ON K8N 5G8
210 Dundas Street East Suite 102 Belleville, ON K8N 5G8
(613) 651-1630

Lynne Curran-Hume

Hearing Instrument Practitioner

Photo of Lynne Curran-Hume from HearingLife - Belleville

Hear Right Canada - Hitchon's Hearing Centre (35.7 km)

Open now! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
150 Sidney Street UNIT 6 Belleville, ON K8P 5E2
150 Sidney Street UNIT 6 Belleville, ON K8P 5E2
(877) 876-9647

Nicole Lasenza

Hearing Instrument Specialist, Co-Owner

Nicole Lasenza has 20 years of experience in the hearing healthcare industry. She graduated to...

Photo of Nicole Lasenza from Hear Right Canada - Hitchon's Hearing Centre

HearingLife - Napanee (37.7 km)

Open now! 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
307A Bridge Street West Napanee, ON K7R 3V3
307A Bridge Street West Napanee, ON K7R 3V3
(613) 417-0380

Alasdair Cumming

Audiologist / Clinic Manager

Alasdair Cumming is a life-long hearing aid wearer himself and understands firsthand the...

Photo of Alasdair Cumming from HearingLife - Napanee

Hear Right Canada - Campbellford (42.8 km)

Open now! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
39 Doxsee Ave. N. PO BOX 282 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
39 Doxsee Ave. N. PO BOX 282 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
(844) 994-1381

Maureen Wood

Hearing Instrument Specialist, Co-Owner

Maureen has been in the hearing healthcare field since 2012 starting as a Hearing Consultant in the...

Photo of Maureen Wood from Hear Right Canada - Campbellford

Hear Right Canada - Trenton (45.7 km)

Open now! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
257 Dundas Street East Unit 7 Trenton, ON K8V 1M1
257 Dundas Street East Unit 7 Trenton, ON K8V 1M1
(866) 469-2181

Maureen Wood

Hearing Instrument Specialist, Co-Owner

Maureen has been in the hearing healthcare field since 2012 starting as a Hearing Consultant in the...

Photo of Maureen Wood from Hear Right Canada - Trenton

Hitchon's Hearing Centre - Trenton (46.7 km)

Open now! 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
23 Balsam Street Trenton, ON K8V 4T5
23 Balsam Street Trenton, ON K8V 4T5
(866) 469-1930

Katherine Cunningham

Co-Owner and Hearing Instrument Specialist

Katherine Cunningham is an experienced hearing instrument specialist with a demonstrated history of...

Photo of Katherine Cunningham from Hitchon's Hearing Centre - Trenton

Hear Right Canada - Picton (52.9 km)

Open now! 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
1 McFarland Drive Unit 2 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
1 McFarland Drive Unit 2 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
(844) 789-8913

Nicole Lasenza

Hearing Instrument Specialist, Co-Owner

Nicole Lasenza has 20 years experience. She started in the role of hearing consultant before...

Photo of Nicole Lasenza from Hear Right Canada - Picton

Hear Right Canada - Brighton (59.1 km)

46 Prince Edward Square Unit 6 Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
46 Prince Edward Square Unit 6 Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
(343) 362-3806

Frontenac Hearing Clinic (63.2 km)

Open now! 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
857 Norwest Road Kingston, ON K7P 2N3
857 Norwest Road Kingston, ON K7P 2N3
(877) 539-3769

Peggy Plunkett

Hearing Instrument Specialist/Owner

Peggy Plunkett graduated with honours from the hearing instrument specialist program at George Brown...

Photo of Peggy Plunkett from Frontenac Hearing Clinic

HearingLife - Kingston Township (63.9 km)

Open now! 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
770 Blackburn Mews Kingston, ON K7P 2N7
770 Blackburn Mews Kingston, ON K7P 2N7
(613) 417-7007

Melanie Chadwick


Melanie Chadwick provided hearing care to clients in her hometown of Orillia at first and then...

Photo of Melanie Chadwick from HearingLife - Kingston Township

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Learn more about hearing health

If you're not ready to make that call, visit our Hearing Help pages for extensive information about hearing loss, hearing aids, tinnitus and assistive listening devices.

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